Privacy policy



This Privacy Policy describes the information collection, use, and dissemination practices of sanPharmacy, Inc. and applies to our collection, use, storage and disclosure of information by us on our (a) Web sites, including all our divisions, subsidiaries and related companies and (b) on various third party Web sites. We are not responsible for the information collection or privacy practices of third party Web sites or applications.

Information We Collect

We recognize your right to confidentiality and are committed to protecting your privacy. We use the information that we collect on our Web sites to provide you with a superior browsing experience and to communicate with you about our products, services, and promotions.

Your Application

When you sign up or register, we will ask you to provide information which includes your name, e-mail address, mailing address, as well as certain other information. Using your account information, we will send you communications that we believe are relevant to you, including newsletters and e-mails.

Information Automatically Collected

We automatically receive and collect certain types of information whenever you visit our web site. For example, like many web sites, we use “cookies” and web beacons (described below) and obtain certain types of information when your web browser accesses our web sites. This information includes the Internet protocol (IP) address of your computer, your browser software and operating system, your web server, the date and time you access our site, session information (such as download errors and page response times), information about your viewing, search and purchase history and information about the referring URL and the URL click stream to, through, and from our web sites. We use this information to monitor the usage and performance of our web site, to enhance our customers’ browsing experience and to determine aggregate information about our user base and usage patterns.

Information From Third Parties

If we receive updated information from third parties, we may revise your information for you so that we can efficiently maintain communication with you. For example, we may receive customer information from our affiliates or from third parties with which we may operate co-branded businesses. In addition, we may acquire customer names, e-mail addresses and mailing addresses for select mailings from third parties.

Other Information You Provide

We collect additional information that you choose to give us. For example, you provide information to us when you complete surveys or contest entry forms, sign up for special discounts or coupons, communicate with us by e-mail, phone or otherwise, provide product reviews, or provide alternative delivery addresses.

Sharing Your Information with Third Parties

We protect all of your information against unauthorized access or release. We share your personal and shipping information with third parties as follows:

* Brand Manufacturers

We may develop programs with some of our brand manufacturers through which you may be offered special discounts or coupons on products in exchange for providing your e-mail address or completing a survey about the manufacturer’s products. When you are offered such discounts or coupons in exchange for providing information (for example, giving your e-mail address or completing a survey), you will be notified that if you choose to participate, your name, e-mail address and responses will be shared with the brand manufacturer. No other information will be shared.

* Agents

We may enter into agreements with other companies or individuals to perform functions on our behalf. These functions may include sending promotional e-mails on our behalf to such companies’ customers; serving advertisements on our behalf, analyzing data; providing marketing assistance; processing credit card or debit card payments; and fulfilling and delivering orders. These companies and individuals have access only to information necessary to perform their functions. They are not allowed to use the information for any other purpose and are contractually obligated to maintain the confidentiality and security of the information. We may share non-personal, summary, or aggregate customer data with partners and other third parties.

* Business Transfers

We may buy or sell stores or assets. In such transactions, customer information is usually treated as one of the transferred business assets. Should we sell all or substantially all of our assets, customer information will be one of the transferred business assets. In that event, we will post a notification on this page or send you an e-mail so that you are always aware of how your information is being used.

* Compliance with Law; Protection of Rights, Property or Safety

We will disclose account and other personal information when we believe that disclosure is necessary to comply with the law, to enforce or apply our Terms of Use or other policies or user agreements, or to protect the rights, property, or safety of our business, our customers, or others.

* As You Direct

If you direct, we will release customer information to your authorized representative(s) or such other person as you may direct. From time to time, we may partner with certain companies who, in conjunction with their membership programs or rewards programs, require that we disclose purchasing information about their members who visit our Web site (for example, to earn points for purchases made on our site through links from the partner site). We will disclose only the information required to make these programs work for you and support your membership in them. In addition, we disclose this information to such companies only if you have consented first, including consent implied by your agreement to the membership or participation rules. If you do not want us to disclose that information to the strategic partner, then you must contact the partner directly. Other than as set out above, you will receive notice when information about you might go to third parties, and you will have an opportunity to choose not to share the information.

No Collection of Information from Children. Our Web site is not intended for users under the age of 18, and we do not knowingly collect or retain information in connection with the web site from children under the age of 18.


To personalize and enhance your browsing and shopping experience, we use a feature on your Internet browser called a cookie. Cookies are small files that your web browser places on your computer’s hard drive. We use cookies to let us know that you are a prior customer and to retrieve certain information previously provided by you to us, so that you do not need to re-enter this information every time you shop at the site. Cookies also let us know how you found us (e.g., through a particular web site or advertisement). Cookies are not used to access information entered on the secure server. This information can be accessed only when you enter your name and password. If you choose to configure your browser to remove or reject our cookies, you will not be able to make purchases from our web stores or take advantage of many of our features. You may read more about cookies at

Web Beacons

From time to time we contract with third party companies to help us better provide relevant products, services and information to you and to help us effectively measure advertising effectiveness. Some of these companies use cookies and/or web beacons (also known as action tags or single pixel gifs). A web beacon is a transparent image that has been placed on a web page and sends a signal when a user has visited that page. A web beacon does not contain any personal information. No information that is personally identifiable to you is transmitted to the third party using the web beacon. The third party is required to protect the privacy of the information it receives using web beacons or cookies and is not allowed to use the information it receives for any purpose beyond what is necessary to assist us. In addition, we may use web beacons in connection with the e-mails we send to our customers, to determine whether and when the images in our e-mail were rendered (which allows us to determine whether the e-mail was opened). This information may then be aggregated and used to assess the effectiveness of our e-mail communications.

Unsolicited E-mail (SPAM)

Your privacy is very important to us. Be assured that, in accordance with this privacy policy, we do not sell or distribute our customer list to third parties. You should be aware, however, that unscrupulous marketers can sometimes “harvest” your e-mail address directly from your computer or another person’s address book or even obtain your e-mail address through programs that automatically search web pages and e-mail traffic for e-mail addresses.

Linked Web Sites

Our web sites may contain links to and from other sites operated and maintained by separate companies. We have no responsibility for linked web sites (including the web sites of participants in our associate program) and provide these links solely for the convenience and information of our visitors. The privacy policies of these sites may differ from our policy, so you should always review the privacy statement of each linked web site you visit.

Your Consent

By using our web site (including through our customer service line), you consent to the collection, use, and disclosure of information in accordance with the terms of this privacy policy. As stated above, we reserve the right to modify or amend this policy at any time. Unless we clearly state otherwise, the changes to our privacy policy will affect only the information we collect after the effective date of the change.


To unsubscribe from a particular list follow the instructions in each promotional e-mail message sent by us.
For more information about protecting your privacy, you may wish to visit:

If you have questions about this policy, please contact us at info[at]

HIPAA Privacy and Security Rules

Commitment to Your Privacy

sanPharmacy, Inc. is dedicated to maintaining the privacy of your medical information. sanPharmacy, Inc. enforces the HIPAA Privacy and Security Rules, which protects the privacy of individually identifiable health information; The HIPAA Security Rule sets the national standards for the security of electronic protected health information. In summary, your health information will not be shared without your prior consent.

Notice of Privacy Practices

THIS NOTICE DESCRIBES HOW MEDICAL INFORMATION ABOUT YOU MAY BE USED AND DISCLOSED AND HOW YOU CAN GET ACCESS TO THIS INFORMATION. PLEASE REVIEW IT CAREFULLY. sanPharmacy, Inc. is dedicated to maintaining the privacy of your protected health information (‘PHI’). PHI is information about you that may be used to identify you (such as your name, social security number or address), and that relates to (a) your past, present or future physical or mental health or condition, (b) the provision of health care to you, or (c) your past, present, or future payment for the provision of health care. In conducting its business, sanPharmacy, Inc. will receive and create records containing your PHI. sanPharmacy, Inc. is required by law to maintain the privacy of your PHI and to provide you with notice of its legal duties and privacy practices with respect to your PHI. sanPharmacy, Inc. agrees to abide by the terms of this Notice while it is in effect. This current Notice takes effect on August 15, 2020, and will remain in effect until sanPharmacy, Inc. replaces it. sanPharmacy, Inc. reserves the right to change the terms of this Notice at any time, as long as the changes are in compliance with applicable law. If sanPharmacy, Inc. changes the terms of this Notice, the new terms will apply to all PHI that it maintains, including PHI that was created or received before such changes were made. If sanPharmacy, Inc. changes this Notice, it will post the new Notice on its Web site and will make the new Notice available upon request.
Uses and Disclosures of PHI
sanPharmacy, Inc. may use and disclose your PHI in the following ways:

  1. Treatment, Payment and Health Care Operations. sanPharmacy, Inc. is permitted to use and disclose your PHI for purposes of (a) treatment, (b) payment and (c) health care operations. For example:
    • Treatment- sanPharmacy, Inc. may disclose your PHI to another physician or health care provider for purposes of a consultation or in connection with the provision of follow-up treatment.
    • Payment- sanPharmacy, Inc. may use and disclose your PHI to your health insurer or health plan in connection with the processing and payment of services and other charges.
    • Health Care Operations- sanPharmacy, Inc. may use and disclose your PHI in connection with its health care operations, such as providing customer services and conducting quality review assessments. sanPharmacy, Inc. may engage third parties to provide various services for sanPharmacy, Inc. If any such third party must have access to your PHI in order to perform its services, sanPharmacy, Inc. will require that third party to enter an agreement that binds the third party to the use and disclosure restrictions outlined in this Notice.
  2. Authorization. sanPharmacy, Inc. is permitted to use and disclose your PHI upon your written or recorded telephonic authorization, to the extent such use or disclosure is consistent with your authorization. You may revoke any such authorization at any time.
  3. As Required by Law. sanPharmacy, Inc. may use and disclose your PHI to the extent required by law.

Special Circumstances

The following categories describe unique circumstances in which sanPharmacy, Inc. may use or disclose your PHI:

  1. Public Health Activities sanPharmacy, Inc. may disclose your PHI to public health authorities or other governmental authorities for purposes including preventing and controlling disease, reporting child abuse or neglect, reporting domestic violence and reporting to the Food and Drug Administration regarding the quality, safety and effectiveness of a regulated product or activity. sanPharmacy, Inc. may, in certain circumstances disclose PHI to persons who have been exposed to a communicable disease or may otherwise be at risk of contracting or spreading a disease or condition.
  2. Workers’ Compensation Workers’ Compensation. sanPharmacy, Inc, may disclose your PHI as authorized by, and to the extent necessary to comply with, workers’ compensation programs and other similar programs relating to work-related illnesses or injuries.
  3. Health Oversight Activities. sanPharmacy, Inc. may disclose your PHI to a health oversight agency for authorized activities such as audits, investigations, inspections, licensing and disciplinary actions relating to the health care system or government benefit programs.
  4. Judicial and Administrative Proceedings. sanPharmacy, Inc. may disclose your PHI, in certain circumstances, as permitted by applicable law, in response to an order from a court or administrative agency, or in response to a subpoena or discovery request.
  5. Law Enforcement. sanPharmacy, Inc. may, under certain circumstances, disclose your PHI to law enforcement officials, such as for purposes of identifying or locating a suspect, fugitive, material witness or missing person.
  6. Decedents. sanPharmacy, Inc. may, under certain circumstances, disclose PHI to coroners, medical examiners and funeral directors for purposes such as identification, determining the cause of death and fulfilling duties relating to decedents.
  7. Organ Procurement. sanPharmacy, Inc. may, under certain circumstances, use or disclose PHI for the purposes of organ donation and transplantation.
  8. Research. sanPharmacy, Inc. may, under certain circumstances, use or disclose PHI that is necessary for research purposes.
  9. Threat to Health or Safety. sanPharmacy, Inc. may, under certain circumstances, use or disclose PHI if necessary to prevent or lessen a serious and imminent threat to the health or safety of a person or the public.
  10. Specialized Government Functions. sanPharmacy, Inc. may, in certain situations, use and disclose PHI of persons who are, or were, in the Armed Forces for purposes such as ensuring proper execution of a military mission or determining entitlement to benefits. sanPharmacy, Inc. may also disclose PHI to federal officials for intelligence and national security purposes.

Rights Regarding Your PHI

You have the following rights regarding the PHI maintained by sanPharmacy, Inc.:

  1. Confidential Communication. You have the right to receive confidential communications of your PHI. You may request that sanPharmacy, Inc. communicate with you through alternate means or at an alternate location, and sanPharmacy, Inc. will accommodate your reasonable requests. You must submit your request in writing to sanPharmacy, Inc.
  2. Restrictions. You have the right to request restrictions on certain uses and disclosures of PHI for treatment, payment or health care operations. You also have the right to request that sanPharmacy, Inc. restrict its disclosures of PHI to only certain individuals involved in your care or the payment of your care. You must submit your request in writing to sanPharmacy, Inc. sanPharmacy, Inc. is not required to comply with your request. However, if sanPharmacy, Inc. agrees to comply with your request, it will be bound by such agreement, except when otherwise required by law or in the event of an emergency.
  3. Inspection and Copies. You have the right to inspect and copy your PHI. You must submit your request in writing to sanPharmacy, Inc.. sanPharmacy, Inc. may impose a fee for the costs of copying, mailing, labor and supplies associated with your request. sanPharmacy, Inc. may deny your request to inspect and/or copy your PHI in certain limited circumstances. If that occurs, sanPharmacy, Inc. will inform you of the reason for the denial, and you may request a review of the denial.
  4. Amendment. You have a right to request that sanPharmacy, Inc. amend your PHI if you believe it is incorrect or incomplete, and you may request an amendment for as long as the information is maintained by sanPharmacy, Inc. You must submit your request in writing to sanPharmacy, Inc. and provide a reason to support the requested amendment. sanPharmacy, Inc. may, under certain circumstances, deny your request by sending you a written notice of denial. If sanPharmacy, Inc. denies your request, you will be permitted to submit a statement of disagreement for inclusion in your records.
  5. Accounting of Disclosures. You have a right to receive an accounting of all disclosures sanPharmacy, Inc. has made of your PHI. However, that right does not include disclosures made for treatment, payment or health care operations, disclosures made to you about your treatment, disclosures made pursuant to an authorization, and certain other disclosures. You must submit your request in writing to sanPharmacy, Inc. and you must specify the time period involved (which must be for a period of time less than six years from the date of the disclosure). Your first accounting will be free of charge. However, sanPharmacy, Inc. may charge you for the costs involved in fulfilling any additional request made within a period of 12 months. sanPharmacy, Inc. will inform you of such costs in advance, so that you may withdraw or modify your request to save costs.
  6. Paper Copy. You have the right to obtain a paper copy of this Notice from sanPharmacy, Inc. at any time upon request. To obtain a paper copy of this notice, please contact sanPharmacy, Inc. by calling toll free (855) 462-6334.
  7. Complaint. You may complain to sanPharmacy, Inc. and to the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services if you believe that your privacy rights have been violated. To file a complaint with sanPharmacy, Inc., you must submit a statement in writing to sanPharmacy, Inc., ATTN: Security Officer, 350 Fifth Avenue STE 5220. New York NY 10118-5220.

Notice of Non-Discrimination

sanPharmacy, Inc. (sanPharmacy) complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex. sanPharmacy, Inc. does not exclude people or treat them differently because of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex.

If you believe sanPharmacy, Inc. has discriminated on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex, you can file a grievance by mail or email with: sanPharmacy, Inc., Legal Department, 350 Fifth Avenue STE 5220. New York NY 10118-5220 or legal[at] You can also file a grievance by phone by calling (855) 462-6334.

You can also file a civil rights complaint with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office for Civil Rights, electronically through the Office for Civil Rights Complain Portal, available at, or by mail or phone at:

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
200 Independence Avenue, SW
Room 509F, HHH Building
Washington, D.C. 20201
1-800-368-1019, 800-537-7697 (TDD)
Complaint forms are available at